Compilers, assemblers and debuggers
Tiny C compiler
Digital Mars C, C++ and D compilers
Code::Blocks free C/C++ and Fortan IDE
Open Watcom compilers (C, C++, Fortran)
GNU Arm gcc embedded toolchain
SDCC small device C compiler
Free Pascal compiler
FASM flat assembler
NASM the netwide assembler
OllyDbg assembler level analysing debugger
Dependency DLL windows tool
Programming tools
PSPad program editor
NotePad++ program editor
Splint C secure programming Lint
CPPcheck C++ secure programming
Index C source files
WinMerge file merge and comparison
Amaya HTML editor
PyCharm Python IDE
Brackets HTML CSS Javascript editor
TortoiseSVN version control
Fossil version control
Native Win32 ports of some GNU utilities
Virtual Box processor emulator
QEMU processor emulator
Doxygen document generator
Graphviz visualization, graph layout and drawing
Fox GUI toolkit
System tools
TightVNC remote control
FileZilla FTP client and server
WinSCP (S)FTP client
SyncBack back-up
PrimoPDF printer driver
DoPDF printer driver
7-Zip compression manager
WinHTTrack website copier
Process Explorer and other system tools
C++ Annotations
Free Programming and Computer Science Books
Bolo's Forth page
ArgoUML modelling tool
Archimate modelling tool
Diagrams model graphics editor
Zephyr RTOS
SQLite database
ROS Robot Operating System
GNU Octave Matlab alternative
uCon Embedded System Console
Code as Design - Jack Reeves essays
KiCAD EDA Schematic Capture & PCB Design
FreeCAD 3D parametric modeler
Inkscape vector graphics editor
Sumatra PDF reader
LTspice analog circuits simulator
WaveDrom rendering digital timing diagrams
Microkontroller page
PJRC Electronic Projects
FPGA, VHDL and Verilog
FPGA 4 Fun
Open Cores
Asic World
Yosys Open Synthesis Suite
Verilator verilog simulator
Icarus verilog simulator
Tachyon DA verilog simulator
ABC Synthesis and Verification tool
Local web pages
The SF Programming Language
PCB Etching
Particle Sizing related Static, Dynamic and Electrophoretic LLS Instrumental Experiments
Floor Heating Pump Switch
PIC 16F84 serial programmer
8031 romless 8051 µP
80535 romless 8051 µP